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Medications and hairloss

Thu, 11/30/2006 - 15:42
I figured this would be the better place for this because men losing their hair, well, perhaps it's a prejudice thought but I figured women would understand me freaking out about it more. Have you ever had your meds cause hairloss? How did you deal with it? did anything stop it? Slow it down even? Does it grow back? The high levels of trileptal I'm taking are doing a number on my hair. I'm rather attached to the stuff so losing it is rather upsetting. On the plus side I now have an excuse to shop for hats and scarves.


I'm on Zonegran, Trileptal,

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2014-04-08 - 13:52
I'm on Zonegran, Trileptal, and Lyrica and my hair is falling out again. I used to have such long beautiful thick hair that went below my knees. Then I had to cut it to make it not so easy for the hair to fall out due to the weight of my hair. I was just put on Zonegran and my hair is falling out again. Anyone else have this problem while on Zonegran?

Re: Medications and hairloss

Submitted by babygirl5958 on Tue, 2010-03-09 - 13:19
I was on topamax for almost a year and strangely, I did not notice any hair loss until months & months after taking it. When I would take a shower, I would have hair all over my hands and when I got out of the shower and tried to put anti-frizz serum on it, it was still falling out. I have NEVER lost hair before, so I got worried. I had read that hair loss was an adverse effect of medications like this and when I mentioned it to the doctor who prescribed it for me, she basically shrugged it off and told me to keep taking it. She said that she thought it could be caused by stress...but I was not under any stress other than the stress caused by the hair loss and acne that I was almost positive topamax was causing. I tried to take vitamins, but I think they were upsetting my stomach. I eventually began to taper off topamax, but even with a lowered dose my hair kept falling out. I did find a case study article online saying that a 15 year old girl was given topamax and after a few months, she experienced hair loss, but that it could be reversed by discontinuing the drug. Then they gave it to her again, and her hair began falling out again. I didn't need to hear anything else after I read that case study. I was like, screw what that doctor told me!! I think some doctors are not very aware of the things that medications like these can cause. The sad part is that she was my regular doctor and she knows what I am supposed to look like. Then I walked up in there with acne and thinning hair and she acts like she is clueless, or maybe she just doesn't want to admit that it's possible that the medication could do this to someone. I'm no doctor, but I know what is and isn't normal for my body. I have been off topamax completely for a week and the last couple of times I washed my hair, I only lost a couple of pieces, but I don't think it is falling out as bad. If you discontinue the medicine that is causing the hair loss, it should be reversed. Vitamins and other things do not help the hair loss itself because the medication is working against you. I started using folicure shampoo and conditioner, which is supposed to be good for thinning hair, and it makes my hair feel so much better!!! The topamax changed the texture of my hair. It used to be really smooth, but it made it feel so dry and gross. I could not even straighten my hair because it was breaking off and falling out so bad. I have been able to straighten my hair again since being off topamax. If you want to try anything, pick up some of that folicure shampoo and conditioner and Hask hair and scalp treatment. It will make it feel a lot better. I am also wearing a lot of hats lately and even tried to wear a wig, but I wasn't sure if that is what caused my head to itch or if it was the medication. All I know is that I had tiny red pimples on my scalp, which I usually don't have. But I think my hair and scalp condition are improving since being off the medication for a week. I wish I could say the same about the acne that it caused for me, but hopefully in time all issues can be resolved. I'm not saying you should stop your medication asap because that could be dangerous and you have to taper off medications like that slowly, but you do need to discuss your concerns with a doctor who can rule out other things that might be wrong. I had bloodwork done last week just to check and thankfully it came back normal, so I think the topamax was definitely the culprit for me. The bottom line is that no one knows your body as well as you do, so only you can truly be the one to know what is normal for you, and once you get a good idea of what you feel it might be, you have to stick to your story and try to get someone to listen. Unfortunately, the people who are listening may not always believe, but you have the upper hand so in the end. It all comes down to what you say and your doctor has to respect your wishes, even if they don't agree with you. Good luck.

Depakene (a close relative

Submitted by solis on Thu, 2006-11-30 - 17:39
Depakene (a close relative of Depakote) made me lose hair. As soon as I got off it my hair stopped falling out... ~sol

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