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no periods with Trileptal?

Sat, 09/02/2006 - 20:08
Hi - For about the past five months or so, I have basically had no period when it was time. I've taken a pregnancy test and that is not the reason. My meds have changed around some but I have consistently been on 900-1200mg of Trileptal a day. Has this affected anyone else? I have had a particularly stressful spring and summer so I know that this could be a cause also. Thanks for any input.


Re: no periods with Trileptal?

Submitted by SaraOwens on Sun, 2006-09-03 - 12:08
Winston!! Yay! I've finally found another non-period person! I haven't had mine since Feb., and the one before that didn't come for 8 months! Trileptal interferes with the hormonal balance in our sytems, and the seizures themselves do , as well. I've been doing alotta research on this subject because I'd like to have another child, but it's hard to do when my reproductive system is on the fritz! I'm 32 yrs old, so it's not an age-related problem! Trileptal can up the amount of estrogen in your body, and this means that the progesterone count is low. Progesterone is the hormone which tells your body to produce eggs and start that whole process. If you go to yuor doctor, he/she can prescribe a progesterone supplement, to help your hormone levels out. Just be sure it's natural progesterone, and not synthetic. I've heard alotta negative things about the synthetic kind. I have yet to make an appt. with my doc, cuz the money's low, but ASAP, i'm gonna get that prescription and see what happens. He had given me one back in feb., but before I had the chance to fill it, my period came! wierd, huh? Maybe all I need is the slip of paper (ha, ha!). Thanks for posting! Please contact me if you'd like to talk more on this subject!

Re: Re: no periods with Trileptal?

Submitted by Winston on Sun, 2006-09-03 - 20:01
Wow - Thanks for all of the information everyone. To answer one question, I am 26. To answer another, I'm certainly not below body weight - I'm hoping to start taking some off. :-) I will speak to my doctor about the periods, but I know that stress is likely a big part of it - it's been a pretty terrible summer all the way around. I have been worried about an increase in seizures because of this but it doesn't seem to be happening. I usually have a "bad day" every couple of months or so and I'm fairly on schedule with that. It's interesting though to hear that this has happened before to someone who's on Trileptal so I'll bring it up with my doctor. Thanks again Winston

Re: Re: no periods with Trileptal?

Submitted by angel_lts on Mon, 2006-09-04 - 12:58
I have been on trileptal for about four years now. Never had a problem with my cycle. But now that I am in my forties, I do skip a period or two. But that is not because of trileptal, it is because of my age. I have been taking a progesterone cream for about three years now for my hormones have been going crazy lately, and causing some generalized seizures that I had when I was a child. SO the progesterone has helped me in my weight in the past, and heat flashes and now those seizures. Yes very important to get a natural one. take care Lisa

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