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sex drive

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 02:15
Anyone notice that it practically disappears? I certainly have. I know that it's probably because of the meds but it would be nice to have it back.


Re: sex drive

Submitted by Heatherb2289 on Tue, 2008-07-22 - 14:11

I am 18 years old and when I was 15, doctors removed my right temporal lobe due to a brain tumor. I have never enjoyed sex. I never had sex prior to the operation, but I did other things,like touching, that I enjoyed. But now, nothing turns me on and it ALWAYS hurts, even if it is just touching.

Can anyone relate and maybe help me out??


I am 18 years old and when I was 15, doctors removed my right temporal lobe due to a brain tumor. I have never enjoyed sex. I never had sex prior to the operation, but I did other things,like touching, that I enjoyed. But now, nothing turns me on and it ALWAYS hurts, even if it is just touching.

Can anyone relate and maybe help me out??


Re: sex drive

Submitted by babygirl5958 on Tue, 2010-03-09 - 12:09
I was on topamax for about a year and in the beginning, I did not notice any adverse side effects. In fact, I only noticed positive effects...I lost the weight that I had gained from previously taking cymbalta and my daily migraines stopped. About 5 months after I had been taking it, I got married and things were going nicely with my husband. Then a couple of months later, I noticed that I was feeling depressed a lot and I got confused about my feelings (I didn't tell him this because I didn't want to hurt him). He was not doing anything wrong, but it was me who felt that I had changed. I was under a lot of stress because I started experiencing hair loss and severe acne with a weird rash on my forehead. I was embarrassed and didn't feel like going anywhere. I also never really felt like fooling around, but I would go along with it if he wanted to because again, I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but to be honest I felt like I was just laying there physically, but emotionally not there anymore. I found it hard to really get turned on like I used to. I would always be afraid to look into his eyes because I thought that he would see through me and figure out that I was not really feeling the moment and I knew that would make him feel like he was being rejected. I almost feel that the attraction is not there anymore...the butterflies I used to get inside are gone, and I have been beating myself up about it. I want the way I used to feel to come back! Sometimes he would be all into it and he would make comments that I was all wet down there and I would have this confused look on my face and be thinking wtf? Because I was not turned on at all and I didn't see how that would have happened. So he thought that I was horny, but I really wasn't at all. In fact I haven't been horny the majority of the time we have been married. I lived with him for a few months before we got married and I felt okay then, but it just started going downhill, especially when I started getting depressed and was having the adverse side effects. I have lost a lot of self confidence over that and don't feel very desirable anymore since I have all these acne scars on my face. It looks like someone put a mask on me and I have a lot of red and discolored marks because the acne got so bad in the months leading up to my eventual discontinuation of topamax. If I would have known that it was going to do all this to me, I would have stopped it much sooner. I feel like I have been damaged and I just want the old me back. I would hate to think that I have to live my life wondering about my feelings and feeling like parts of my emotions were ripped out and that I could never get them back. That would not be fair to my husband if I could not love him the right way like I used times I feel like I am leading him on because I started getting so cold emotionally, not wanting to hug and kiss him as much like I used to and I don't even say I love you as much. He has noticed that and questioned me about it, but I couldn't give him an answer. I didn't know what to say. I feel so guilty because we used to have a really great relationship, but I feel like only half of me is in it now and I don't know where the other half went. All I can figure is that the topamax did something to me. I know it has caused me to look bad on the outside, so maybe it did something inside as well. I have been off it for about a week and I hope that I will improve as time goes on.

Re: sex drive

Submitted by susu on Sat, 2008-12-13 - 13:24
hi my name is susu i have been married for twenty years . i have alaways thought my sex drive was decent until my first seizure in 2007 i startyed on dilatin then carabatrol and last but not least tegretol .slowly slowly we started having sex less and less being married to an arab(they have very high sex drives) it became a daily fight over and over. but, i have slowly accepted it and everytime we fight i take a deep breath count to ten and repeat to my self  how much i love him and that i am doing the best that i can. find a new way to get yourself excited everytime remember what you loved about him in the beining and you will be fine just remember you are doing what your body will let you do.

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