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sex drive

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 02:15
Anyone notice that it practically disappears? I certainly have. I know that it's probably because of the meds but it would be nice to have it back.


Re: sex drive

Submitted by kflaherty on Wed, 2013-04-03 - 14:56
I feel like a bit of a pervert; I've been on varying doses of topiramate since around 16. 10 years later I'm on a cocktail of 100mg topiramate, 100mg sertraline, 100mg quetiapine 400mg lamotrigine for grand mals, and I am insatiable. I try to exercise (as little as possible lol), and that helps a lot, and kegels are a girl's best friend. The hard part is finding a guy willing to make out during your postictal state, am I right ladies???

Re: sex drive

Submitted by Naomi D. on Mon, 2009-06-22 - 00:00

 I'm new to this forum, but this one is unfortunately the most important one to my marriage.  I have been on Tegretol and Cloabazam for almost 8 years and I was just changed over to topamax two months ago now.    It took my husband almost 4 years to get me in the mood enough for me to get pregnant with our second child!  I have no desire, and it is almost breaking up our marriage.  It has been explained that it is nothing personal towards him by the doctors, but I can understand needs.  I am not jealous if he goes on-line to; or watches adult shows, and I seriously wouldn't be bothered if he was with someone for this reason!  It's that bad!!!   8 years is a very long time to only be involved with your wife of 11 years only 3-4 times per year!!  We have no help from our doctors to help with these side effects but I noticed someone suggested peanut butter... can you tell me why and maybe hand out any other suggestions?  Thank you to anyone who might help.

 I'm new to this forum, but this one is unfortunately the most important one to my marriage.  I have been on Tegretol and Cloabazam for almost 8 years and I was just changed over to topamax two months ago now.    It took my husband almost 4 years to get me in the mood enough for me to get pregnant with our second child!  I have no desire, and it is almost breaking up our marriage.  It has been explained that it is nothing personal towards him by the doctors, but I can understand needs.  I am not jealous if he goes on-line to; or watches adult shows, and I seriously wouldn't be bothered if he was with someone for this reason!  It's that bad!!!   8 years is a very long time to only be involved with your wife of 11 years only 3-4 times per year!!  We have no help from our doctors to help with these side effects but I noticed someone suggested peanut butter... can you tell me why and maybe hand out any other suggestions?  Thank you to anyone who might help.

Re: sex drive

Submitted by jjspencer on Fri, 2012-08-10 - 12:13
Well, I am having the same problem.  I have absolutely no sex drive whatsoever.  It has never been that great to begin with.  I was told by my neuro that people with seizure disorders generally have low libido.  So, that in with the medication, we are basically screwed (well, not really).  Anyway, my Husband doesn't believe me and is ready to leave.  He thinks that I am giving him every excuse in the book.  I cannot fake it when the need just isn't there.  I even read 50 shades of gray, thinking that would help, like it did for every other woman in the world!  Crap, nothing at all for me.  I am on Keppra, Topamax and Tomazapam (when needed).  I have a high level stress job (so does he) and am already in menopause at the age of 45.  I was diagnosed with seizure disorder only 4 years ago, but the lack of sexual desire has been there for quite some time... Although it's nice to know there are others out there, my marriage is falling apart and I am sad.  This is my first time on this website.  I am glad I found it.  Thanks!

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