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Sun, 09/10/2006 - 06:02

I've been taking different meds for seizures since I had E, but someone has put to my attention Topamax. Says that it's better and it helps you to lose weight. Is that true? How good is this drug? What are the side effects? If anyone here has taken Topamax please let me know what you think of the drug. Thanks :-)


Re: Topamax

Submitted by IRule on Sun, 2006-09-10 - 13:50
Hi Seizuregirl, I have been on Topamax, It is a pretty good drug, it works great for controlling Migraines and for some people with Epilepsy. Unfortunately It didn't work for me, every person is different. Some people complain of Word loss on it and Yes many people do lose some weight on it. I seemed to feel like the floors were tipped to one side...or was that the carbamazepine? Oh heck I forget...any way I am now on Zonegran and I have lost 60 pounds since going on it, and haven't had any complex partials and now if I could get rid of these last few sps. May be another choice, may not be...If you have any trouble at all with your kidneys, not a good idea. Best idea is to talk with your Doctor. You might want to look at the main page at the seizure meds and their side effects. this will give you more info. Dayna

Re: Re: Topamax

Submitted by seizuregirl on Mon, 2006-09-11 - 05:18
Hi Dayna. After reading the side effects it seems to not be any different as to Carbamezapine. I have experienced memory problems, loss for words, dizziness while on Carbamezapine. I asked my doctor about this and the only positive feedback he gave me is that if I decide to go for Topamax then, I would have to take only 2 pills instead of 3 like I do with Carbamezapine. Here in the Philippines, Topamax is more expensive than Carbamezapine like around 35 pesos for one pill. It's now 50 to 51 pesos to $1. So, you can imagine how much that is. What I like is that it can help me lose weight, but then what price would I be willing to do that considering the other side effects that it has as in the kidney stone problem. My doctor wanted me to take 4 Carbamezapine a day since my seizures were becoming to be a problem for me, but I told him no. I don't think I would be able to function at work taking 4 pills a day. Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

Re: Re: Re: Topamax

Submitted by GodivaGirl on Wed, 2006-09-13 - 20:09
Seizuregirl, I went from Carbamazepine (Tegretol CR in Canada) 600mg twice a day to taking Topomax 100mg 2 x day when I was about 27. Yes, the transition process was gradual. Here are some differences I found. Tegretol CR I started when I was 16, so I don't remember a lot about going on to it, but as far as once adjusted there were very few side effects as long as I took it on time, and always at 7am/7pm. If I was ever out of sync', I'd feel dizzy or something. Thing is, I'm prone to headaches from stress & I still got a lot of those on Tegretol CR. Seizure frequency wasn't that bad, but it was like either life slowly got more stressful & the drug couldn't handle it, or I built up an immunity to the drug because I'd been on it for 10 years. I first saw a stress management counsellor at age 26 for 10 sessions. That helped a bit, but not enough. Enter Topomax, take away Tegretol CR. Correct you are Topomax is WAY more's a newer one on the market, that's why. In Canada anyways, I was on generics for Tegretol, Topomax that's just released this year (sure enough, as I'm going off it, but I'll get to that). Topomax is ok. Good for weight loss..well for me, ya. Reason why is what they don't tell you. As you transition on to it, you feel like hell any time you eat anything. I lived off gatorade and nutrition bars for 4 months. They also don't tell you any carbonated drink tastes like pure metal. Anything with aspartame seems to make you light headed (did me anyways - even gum and yogurt) Also, they neglect to mention as you adjust to it you go through itchy fits and feelings like limbs are asleep. Getting past the side effects - really my seizure control was only slightly better. So, now about 4-5 years later at age 32 I'm moving on to Keppra - the next "latest and greatest" in Canada. Even more expensive than Topomax. The worst side effect is lack of focus at times, which makes work tough. There's mood swings in there, but that could be intensified because I'm also on the pill (who knows). Right now, I take Topomax, Keppra & Clobazam for seizures...Minestrin is pill of choice to regulate my cycle (back up in place). I see my neuro Sept 20th to see what he's going to do with his lab experiment next, as that's what I feel like most days. Time will tell. Overall though - if you can tough out wicked side effects Topomax isn't bad. Clobazam (Frisium) has always been the best for me & I pay $19cdn for it. Cheapest one on the market works, go figure, huh. Hope this helped, a little. Erin

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