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Sun, 09/10/2006 - 06:02

I've been taking different meds for seizures since I had E, but someone has put to my attention Topamax. Says that it's better and it helps you to lose weight. Is that true? How good is this drug? What are the side effects? If anyone here has taken Topamax please let me know what you think of the drug. Thanks :-)


Re: Topamax

Submitted by sparkal on Wed, 2006-10-04 - 12:59
Hi Seizuregirl, I was put on Topamax back in 2000. I was told all of the side effects and was concerned. I lost a lot of weight, but too quickly. I could not eat anything without feeling sick. I had to force myself to eat then. I didn't want to drink anything but Kool Aid and it usually didn't want to stay down much. My main problem with Topamax was the cognitive problems. I found that I would go places and not know where I was or how I got there. I was at work one day and forgot my name and what I was doing there. My side effects lessened, but never went away. I hope that it works better for you than it did for me.

Re: Re: Topamax

Submitted by seizuregirl on Sat, 2006-10-07 - 22:36
Hi Sparkal. My first week on Topamax I must say was a definite nightmare for me. I was actually balling my eyes out and am not ashamed to admit it. My seizures were attacking me left and right. The pills were making me feel ill to my stomache that I kept grabbing for something sweet to keep myself from vomitting, but that didn't really help me much. Needless to is true that you can lose weight being on this drug. My favorite meal that I normally eat at work I no longer eat anymore. It's unbelievable! For some reason, I just can't eat it. I don't know why. I've been drinking lots of water everywhere I go 'coz soda for some reason tastes like metal to me. My goodness...I used to eat lots of junk food, but now....for some reason....I don't know why ... my body just won't take it down. This is one positive thing about taking Topamax, I guess......I mean I always needed a whole new wardrobe anyway if I'm going to start losing weight now, right? :-) Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

Re: Re: Re: Topamax

Submitted by rosegirl on Sun, 2006-10-08 - 01:50
It's been awhile since I've been on Topamax but I do remember that when I went on it, I stopped having seizures for a bit. Then they started up again and stopped when my doc upped my dosage. It did help me lose all the weight I had put on when I was on Depakote. I went from 210lbs to 140lbs. That's when they took me off of it. I'm not sure if it was because I was too skinny for my height, I'm 5'10", or if it stopped working. All I know is that I ate and ate but I never gainned any weight. Everyone at school thought I was anorexic. But seizuregirl is right, on the upside you get to buy new clothes. :)

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