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Topic: Women With Epilepsy

Fertility, Pregnancy and Epilepsy

03/2005 | 0 Comments

Fertility, Pregnancy and EpilepsyBy Author Stacey ChillemiWomen with epilepsy have fewer children than women without epilepsy, with fertility rate 25...
Auras whil pregnant

03/2005 | 5 Comments

I am a 29 yo woman (soon 30) and have been on Trileptal for over a year now. My husband and I really want to get pregnant, but I am having auras 3 to...

03/2005 | 3 Comments

I have been taking Sodium Valproate (Epilim) for about 20 years and have been absolutely fine with it. I usually get about 2 seizures per year...

03/2005 | 2 Comments

Is it true that your seizures will be less severe when you have a baby? Not like I'm gonna go get pregnant now, but I was just wondering.

03/2005 | 8 Comments

I have also been having seizures while sleeping. The first was Sept 1999, I was 47 years old (can you peri-menopausal?) is that spelled correctly...
Trileptal & pregnancy ?!

02/2005 | 10 Comments

Hi everybody; I am trying to get some info. from women who were pregnant while on Trileptal... Did anyone???
Depakote and Pregnancy

02/2005 | 3 Comments

I am a 26 yearold female with epilepsy. I have partial seizures. My doctor told me to take one of my depakote pills a day. Which is less than what I...
Mother w/siezures2003

02/2005 | 4 Comments

I'm a 24 year old hispanic female who just had a baby 4 months ago the day after I had my son who may I also say is my very last child I had a grand...
Lamictal and pregnancy

02/2005 | 48 Comments

Hi everybody I have juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and take 300mg of lamictal daily and have remained seizure free and...
epilepsy and ttc#2

02/2005 | 27 Comments

Hi, I posted last week in another folder, but got no responses so I'm trying again.I am a 33-year-old woman with a seizure disorder. My husband and I...

02/2005 | 10 Comments

Hello. I was wondering if any women out there with temporal lobe epilepsy have found that it affects their menstrual cycle? PMS symptoms? Angie
Depakote to Lamictal for Pregnancy

02/2005 | 18 Comments

My daughter is now 26 and will be thinking of getting pregnant next year. She has been on Depakote for 9 years now and has been seizure free every...

01/2005 | 4 Comments

I was wondering if anyone with TLE has experienced depression, and if so, what has helped you? Blessings, Angie
PCOS caused by Depakote?

01/2005 | 6 Comments

Hi: I'm new to this board. I have been taking Depakote for JME since I was 19 (I'm now 34). My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about a...
epilepsy and monthly cycle

01/2005 | 20 Comments

Hi, I am a 42-year old women who has had epilepsy since my early 20's. My first seizure was during a miscarriage (I have had 3 and had seizures after...
JME and Pregnancy

01/2005 | 29 Comments

Hi,I have been diagnosed with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy since the age of 15. Over the past 9 years the seizures have been controlled with fairly low...
Topamax and Pregnancy

12/2004 | 3 Comments

My daughter has been on Topamax (400ml daily) to control her seizures for 5 years. She is pregnant (9 weeks), has anyone gone thru a pregnancy while...

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