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Is anyone on Epilim

Wed, 02/01/2006 - 21:37
Hi my name is Cara and i am 17 years of age almost 18. I was wondering if anyone is taking the medication Epilim???


Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by syd.alf on Sun, 2006-03-12 - 04:54
Hi Cara, I'm on epilum for the last 20yrs, for the first 10yrs i also had tegratol with it aswell, but it wasn't that good, allways had mood swings every now and then, then i went to a different Nuro. And he had started me on lamitral and went off and seemed to be ok but i have a side affect from the tables. My ears are itchy and my hands are shaky and that is about all. Going to see my nuro. next week and see what he might be able to do with my hands. or i will have to tie them together. I hope that those tables are working for you. and stay fit free.

Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by syd.alf on Sun, 2006-03-12 - 04:56
Hi Cara, I'm on epilum for the last 20yrs, for the first 10yrs i also had tegratol with it aswell, but it wasn't that good, allways had mood swings every now and then, then i went to a different Nuro. And he had started me on lamitral and went off and seemed to be ok but i have a side affect from the tables. My ears are itchy and my hands are shaky and that is about all. Going to see my nuro. next week and see what he might be able to do with my hands. or i will have to tie them together. I hope that those tables are working for you. and stay fit free.

Re: Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by waralan on Mon, 2006-04-10 - 18:59
Hi, I think it you are from a foriegn contry. In the States it is called depakote. Yes I have been on it for the last 10 years or so. It does have some undesireable side effects, though, eg. weight gain and hair loss. While I am not a woman, it comes with a label on the bottle, "Do not take if you are pregnant."

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