Community Forum Archive

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Is anyone on Epilim

Wed, 02/01/2006 - 21:37
Hi my name is Cara and i am 17 years of age almost 18. I was wondering if anyone is taking the medication Epilim???


Re: Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by steph13 on Thu, 2007-08-23 - 03:42
On Epilim 1000mg morning and night at present, seizures have just started to appear again after about 7 years free. All the side effects you have mentioned are what i suffer with, to some degree. especially weight gain(no hair loss) Iam also suffering with anxiety attacks, so its hard to know whether its the anxiety, drugs or the seirures, which doesn't help matters.

Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by AD on Mon, 2006-08-28 - 11:24
I've been on epilim since I was diagnosed last year. All I've really noticed is once in a while my legs might shake a bit, and one night when I was on a school trip (adventure course type thing) it was really bad, but I guessed it was just cause I had been really active that day.

Re: Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by huiling07 on Sun, 2007-09-16 - 08:36
Have Epilepsy year 1999 when I was 14 took epilim it makes me gain weight and seizures increase in those years. Till last year 2006 my doctor change my medicine to Keppra 500mg twice daily and it do improve but it makes me sleepy whether i take it..

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