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Is anyone on Epilim

Wed, 02/01/2006 - 21:37
Hi my name is Cara and i am 17 years of age almost 18. I was wondering if anyone is taking the medication Epilim???


Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by andy m on Tue, 2006-04-11 - 15:08
Hi Cara, Ive been taking Epilim for the last 7 years, firstly in tandem with carbamazapine and then Tegretol but the latter 2 gave me bad double vision and made me sleep too much. So now i take Epilim with clobazam and for the last 3 years Keppra. I'm on the maximum daily dosage for epilim and keppra because of the severity of my seizures. But since i went onto this combo i haven't had a seizure since (touch wood) my energy levels are up and my memory has actually got better. the mood swings alas are still there but i suffered from depression before my E was even diagnosed at 13 when puberty kicked in. So its good days and bad days, reading these pages its apparent that it's all part and parcel of the condition itself and sometimes the individual meds we're on seem to heighten it. Take care.

Re: Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by chezz on Thu, 2006-04-27 - 20:38
hi im a mum of a 13yr that has just been diagnosed with epilepsy she is also on tegratol and epilim the tegratol she has been on since may last year the epilim she was started on in feb this year . now i dont know if it is a side affect or not but her mood swings are getting unberable she doesnt want to do her school work she doesnt want to do anything that she gets told to do she wants to just sit around all day or go and do only the things that she wants she has the i dont care about anything days and that she diddnt ask to part of our family so i shouldn't be able to tell her what to doit is as she says after all her life. as isaid i dont know if this is a side affect or if its just the age thing but its not what mum girl use to be like.

Re: Re: Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by andy m on Sat, 2006-04-29 - 02:45
Hi there, I was on Epilim and Tegretol together at one point and it played absolute havoc with my moods, depression and gave me terrible double vision as well so throw in a 13 year olds mood swings in general and things must be terrible. Although i had always had absences as a child it never became grand mals until i hit puberty i was an absolute nightmare at that age and refused to take meds etc and generally ended going off the rails. The one thing I never had was the love and support of my parents, your daughter obviously has that so that is a big plus. Have you thought of professional counselling and therapy for your daughter, a lot of young people find it a lot easier to get their feelings off their chests to someone who isn't a parent. You've got to remember that one of the worst side effects of epilepsy no matter what the meds are depression and loss of self esteem and at 13 this can feel like the end of the world, I know it did for me and it's taken me another 25 years on top of that to get to where i am now, but that was by going the wrong way with loving parents and a good neuro plus some good psych help things could turn out very different for your daughter. Purely on a meds point and i know we all react differently to each one I now take Epilim, keppra and Clobazam. The clobazam fills the role that tegretol used to and i have been seizure free for 3 years since I began on this combo. Good luck and good health to both your daughter and you. Andy.

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