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Is anyone on Epilim

Wed, 02/01/2006 - 21:37
Hi my name is Cara and i am 17 years of age almost 18. I was wondering if anyone is taking the medication Epilim???


Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by fortune on Tue, 2006-07-04 - 05:53
FWK hi there, i have a 3year old son, he has been on epilim for two months but he still gets multiple fits such that they can only be stopped in the hospital. he is so stuborn and doesnt listent o anyone, i think its the effects of the drugs. he also takes tegretol and rivotril. though next month they'll get rid of rivotil. its really so depressing as a mother to actually worry all the tim when u'l be taking ur son to the just know ur not alone in this.oterwiz best of luck.

Re: Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by Almarie on Mon, 2007-05-28 - 05:27
Hi there I would like to know how your son is doing. My baby is 6 months old and was diagnose with severe epilepsy. He is on Epilim, Penobarb and Revotril. I pray each and every day that he will recover and live a normal life. His muscels is very weak and is only starting to lift his arm ans legs. If you can give me any advice, it will be great.

Re: Re: Re: Is anyone on Epilim

Submitted by Sera on Wed, 2007-07-11 - 06:21
My son was a baby,and is now 16 yrs old,I couldnt pass without a comment,I have always blamed myself as a parent for giving my child penobarb,i personally feel its the worst drug ever,loss of speech,memory etc,as these are the most imp years for their development,god bless.

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