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what shall i do

Thu, 04/28/2005 - 08:35
i have been diagnosed with epilepsy and am currently on keppra 2000gm and lamictal 200mg daily however it is not helping me and i am still haveing very strong seizures they last about 3mins and i normally hit my head on something. they are grand mal. i have lost all confidence in myself and just dont want to go out what shall i do? im only 19!


RE: what shall i do

Submitted by Cedar on Thu, 2005-04-21 - 08:07
Lucycaller, I do not know enoughof your history to say what you need. How long have you had theses seizures? have you any idea of the location they stem from? Are you seeing a epileptologist? how long have you been on the meds? Sorry you are having these problems, it is never easy especially when you think the meds are going to work.make sure you call your dr. and tell them. It is essential that you get to a specialist. However to find out if you have refractory epilepsy would be good to know . Find out all you can about the casue, things which may aggervate it. Then try to keep stresses down get plenty of rest and eat as healthy as possible. All this does help. Also keep track of times you have them and what may have set it off. As far as keeping yourself safe. Are you living alone or with anotherperson? I trust you are not driving at this time. Be real gentle with your self and remember to get lots of rest your body is going through a tough time.Keep us posted we at least understand and will offer support here.

RE: RE: what shall i do

Submitted by lucycaller on Thu, 2005-04-21 - 09:42
i have been on the medication since october and aparently the seizures generate from deep inside my brain where they do not get picked up on an EEG. i live with my parents but many of my friend have become distant since my condition has come to light. i lucky have one very good friend who stands by me but i feel like im just getting her dow now so dont like to talk about it.

RE: RE: RE: what shall i do

Submitted by waistfull on Fri, 2005-04-22 - 14:36
I'm in pretty much the same boat as you. I'm going to John's Hopkins Neurology clinic at the beginning of May. I'll post to you. My doc actually said he didn't think he could treat me because I wasn't responding fast enough to the medications.

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