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what shall i do

Thu, 04/28/2005 - 08:35
i have been diagnosed with epilepsy and am currently on keppra 2000gm and lamictal 200mg daily however it is not helping me and i am still haveing very strong seizures they last about 3mins and i normally hit my head on something. they are grand mal. i have lost all confidence in myself and just dont want to go out what shall i do? im only 19!


RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: what shall i do

Submitted by jphilli on Sun, 2005-04-24 - 11:28
LindaThanks for the encouragement. I agree about the status sz activity. It doesn't seem to bother him unless he is trying to really concentrate. His loss of memory and trying to grasp the right word does, also it could be the 9 pills a day. It hurts my heart to see him like this. I made another post under SUDEP - another fear of ours since his activity greatly increases at night. Does yours? Have your doctors discussed SUDEP w/you? If so, what precautions do you take? Thank you and God Bless!Jane

RE: RE: RE: what shall i do

Submitted by Cedar on Sat, 2005-04-23 - 07:33
Lucycaller and others, I would encourage you to try to get a MRI it will reveal more about the epilepsy. To know if it is refractory meaning resistent to meds could help you better understand whatyou are dealing with. I havehad seizures for36 years. It can be very fursturating and I understand fully where you are at. Look to study more about amino acidscalled Taurine it is often depleted in those with epilepsy. Dr.s may not know this look it up on the web searchEpilpesy and taurine.Also my view about medical marijuanna is make sure if you decide to go that route that it is not one off the street as it will most likely be laced with other stuff that could really play havoc with epilepsy. However if it is organic fine but do talk it ove with your dr.Lastly, though this is a hard journey to travel and does not feel fair at times, do not give up. You can have a good life!!Best to you all!

RE: RE: RE: RE: what shall i do

Submitted by Yakota on Sat, 2005-04-23 - 10:05
Hello to all this beautiful Saturday am. I am taking Taurine. I am on 2 other amino acids that go with the cocktail of tons on "B' vits and other suppliments that I take. Interesting to hear about the Mary Jane and seizure. I had no idea that THC might possibly have a calming effect on seizure. But when you think about how THC slows you down in gerneral (cognitive and motor process ) then it is not surprsing in the least to think that it would literally calm the neuron fire pattern of the brain too. Definately if you are contemplatng the THC thing then do not buy the marijuana off the street. That greenage (pot) is laced (added) with all kinds of nasty chemicals that might make you really bad off. I recommend that if you get the Mary Jane (organic stuff) from your physician than it should be safe. But you also need to consider that what ever you get to smoke will have been approved by the fda. Just because a drug has been tested and is considered safe for consumption does not neccessarily mean that it is so. This is great info about the green stuff!!! Thanks ya'll. Linda.

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