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what shall i do

Thu, 04/28/2005 - 08:35
i have been diagnosed with epilepsy and am currently on keppra 2000gm and lamictal 200mg daily however it is not helping me and i am still haveing very strong seizures they last about 3mins and i normally hit my head on something. they are grand mal. i have lost all confidence in myself and just dont want to go out what shall i do? im only 19!


RE: RE: RE: what shall i do

Submitted by clover on Sun, 2005-04-24 - 18:51
Lucy...boy do I know your feelings! I was diagnosed when I was 25 and currently am taking the same pills. The people that said to get an MRI are totally right. EEG's didnt work for me either. As far as talking about it, if your friends become distant, it means one of two things:1. they are afraid to bring it up because they probably dont know how to talk about it (you may not want to talk about it)and 2. they are not true friends.How long have you had seizures? WhÃ¥t has your doctor said about it? When you get to the doctors, tell them EVERYTHING when you go.....the more they know, the more they can help. When I started, I kept a diary as to when they started, when they stopped, and when I felt better. Just remember you are not alone. There are more of us who are going through this....if you need to talk, send me an email. [email protected] Care!Stacy and Clover

RE: RE: RE: RE: what shall i do

Submitted by lucycaller on Mon, 2005-04-25 - 05:43
i have been having seizures since october last year. as for the friends bit i think your right they were not true friends as they seemed to windle straight away after then. i no i shouldnt give up but it is very hard to do so i take my meds exactly the same time every day without fail and just wonder y i do it they dont seem to be working they just make me tired when my doc keeps upping the dose. i have had an MRI but still they see nothing. email me if you like it [email protected] X

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: what shall i do

Submitted by Yakota on Tue, 2005-04-26 - 10:51
Hi Lucycaller. I want to encourage you to hang in there. I know its tough. Now that I am going through menopause a chunk of everyday seems crappy full of seizure. I have some hours that are good. But what can I do but forge onward through the fog. All this is making me a stronger person. I know that God is in control of the situation. And I will receive a blessing for going through it like a trooper. Most of the time I am a trooper. Sometimes I start to complain and get on a pitty trip. You know doing the "oh woe is me" thing. But that phase doesn't last long. Good thing for me and all concerned that it is short lived. It is so... good... to be able to recieve support and encourage others at this site. I bless all of you with an abundance of strength and courage as we tear down fortresses and move ahead! wow. I hope these words have brought inspiration to at least one of you today. Have a prosperous Teusday to all.

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