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Topic: Medication Issues

Dilantin Overdose?

01/2006 | 4 Comments

Howdy all, i'm a newbie. I recently had a seizure on an airplane (vacation) and a second in the ER. My Doctor advised me to bump up my meds to 300mg...
changing meds

01/2006 | 2 Comments

Hi all: I'm new here. And the main reason because now I'm writing this message is because this morning I went to my neuro and he suggested me to...

01/2006 | 4 Comments

I started this new med today and read the side effects listed. I had a liver problem with Depakote ER and this says this drug could too. No one...

01/2006 | 3 Comments

I started taking Trileptal about two months ago to control my seizures. My seizures only occur at night. The medication doesn't seem to be working. I...

12/2005 | 0 Comments

I started this anti-depressant a few days ago and I seem to be having a lot of shaking all of a sudden. It's not like the Myoclonic jerks, but an all...

12/2005 | 9 Comments

Has anyone tried this new drug? It was FDA approved in June of 05. My daughter is just about at where they want her with it. She is coming off of the...
Advice re medication levels

12/2005 | 5 Comments

My wife has had epilepsy for around 25 years. For many years she was taking 1000mg of Epilim (or similar) - but after two years of no seizures her...
Topamax ?

12/2005 | 0 Comments

Topamax ? I’m taking down my Topamax dose from 150mg 2xs a day to 100mg 2xs a day. I always hear about it being additive. What should I look for? I...

12/2005 | 1 Comments

Any one experience lethargy and sleepiness after taking Felbatol for several years? Along with Lamictal? Thanks.
Lethargic from AEDs

12/2005 | 1 Comments

My 16-year-old daughter has been lethargic and feeling very poorly for 7 weeks. Sleeps 15 hours per day and unable to attend high school. Doctor...
Dilantin and non-alcoholic beer

12/2005 | 4 Comments

I had my first seizure in late November and it was probably due to a recently discover brain lesion in my head and recently had an EEG and all was...
Question about Carbatrol! Thanks!

12/2005 | 5 Comments

I just started taking Carbator (300MG 2 times a day) can anyone tell me more about the medication, I know you cant drink any kind of liquor, but it...
Changing meds - Lamictal to Trileptal

12/2005 | 2 Comments

I have been in a process of medication change for three month aprox, decreasing 300 mg of Trileptal every two weeks (from 2400mg to 0) and increasing...
Changing meds--Tegretol to Lamictal

12/2005 | 3 Comments

I have been on Tegretol for over 13 years now. My seizures are controlled with the exception of focalized seizures. However, I have experienced...
Dry mouth with Lamictal.

12/2005 | 3 Comments

Hi everyone! I'm new here - took me a while to join;mI've been diagnosed for the last 20 years or so (I.m 35 yo M). For the last few years I've been...
epilepsy diagnosis during pregnancy

12/2005 | 2 Comments

I am six months pregnant. When I got to fourteen weeks pregnant I started having seizures five times a day on average. Prior to that I had suffered...
Why am I always cold?

12/2005 | 32 Comments

I am on Trileptal and Topomax. And i'm always freezing. Even when i'm warm to the touch, i'm shivering inside. I know the meds thin out the blood, but...
Drug Allergies the Battle

12/2005 | 1 Comments

What have experiences have you had with seizure meds reactions. I have been taking Lamictal 2 years, Zonegram 4 years, Keppra 6 months A few onths ago...

12/2005 | 19 Comments

I am currently taking Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 400mg to be upped every 2 weeks until my seizures stop. Question is - Will I feel like a zombie forever...

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