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Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing


12/2014 | 0 Comments

Hi my name is Grace.I was officially diagnosed with benign occipital epilepsy when I was three,I had a bad seizure at a bird park.My mom didn't want...
Could this be a simple partial seizure???

12/2014 | 0 Comments

BEFORE I BEGIN I'M SORRY THIS IS SO LONG BUT I WANTED TO PROVIDE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. Well for starters I'm 15 years old and I have never had a...
is it epilepsy

11/2014 | 2 Comments

My two year little girl was "diagnosed" with epilepsy this summer. She's had several EEGs since her first grand mal seizures at 17 months. She has had...
Possible Temporal Lobe Epilepsy?

11/2014 | 0 Comments

Hello anyone? My name is Dan im 16 years old and ive been suffering from these weird 'migraines' (didn't know what else to call them), which i been...
Sleep Deprived EEG and strobe light

11/2014 | 2 Comments

I have a question is it normal for the technician to move the strobe lights 2 inches from your face? During my EEG nothing was happening so she kept...
How i got cured from epilepsy

11/2014 | 0 Comments

I am from Canada, I was diagnosed of Epilepsy in 2004 then i was just 17years, the disease is so disgracing and embarassing because atimes i get...
first video eeg. help please

11/2014 | 4 Comments

hi im dani. im 22 and have had siezures since i was 14. i never talked to doctors about it till last year because i was scared. i still am but im more...
i think i was about to have a seizure ?

11/2014 | 1 Comments

I was sitting on the couch and I was just waking up from a nap then I tried to open my eyes and all of a sudden my whole body froze and I felt like I...
Sleep Deprived EEG

10/2014 | 0 Comments

Hi All... I had one complete seizure in 1999 after that I had 4 partial seizures but I am always conscious. I am hypoglicemic and I can see all of...
diagnosing auditory triggers to seizures

10/2014 | 1 Comments

my daughter has been battling an undiagnosed disorder for the last 20 months. We had the million dollar workup and seizures were inconclusive although...
Seizures vs ADD

10/2014 | 1 Comments

Hi, just wondering if anyone can help me understand the difference of symptons due with having seizures & having ADD. For example, concentration...
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy?

10/2014 | 1 Comments

Hello! I'm hoping to hear anothe person's opinion on this, but I've become a little worried lately. A while back (early June, I believe it was), I...
4 day VEEG

10/2014 | 3 Comments

Hello In November I am going in for a four day VEEG. I am 17 years old but will be in the adult wing. I also will be strobed until I have a seizure...
Keppra or nighttime seizures?

10/2014 | 1 Comments

~~My 17 year old daughter is unable to wake for school. This started in January 2014. Extreme fatigue, unresponsive when trying to wake her, sleeps...
Telemetry Video EEG

09/2014 | 2 Comments

I've been admitted to an specialty hospital for a telemetry Video EEG. I've been here for few days already and no seizure events. Medications have...

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