Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Seizure or Narcolepsy?

09/2014 | 0 Comments

I have always had poor circulation and sleep 12 or more hours a day. when i was little when i would stand my arms and legs would turn purple and i...
Long Nights and uncertainty

09/2014 | 1 Comments

wired night seizures. From what I read you can not have pseudo psychogenic seizures at night, unless you are in pseudo sleep. then there are pseudo...
Being generalized as epilepsy

09/2014 | 1 Comments

I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 5 y/o. In highschool I began the surgery process for epilepsy and had the surgery my senior year. Today is actually...
Whats wrong with me?

09/2014 | 0 Comments

Hello, I am 18, and super confused as to what is happening! I have been having these episodes since I was about 13 years old. They started as simple...
Attending Neurology?

09/2014 | 2 Comments

I've had various EEG MRI CT all which have came back normal.Problem is I'm still having seizures. while in Emergency the other day the attending...
Did I have a seizure??

08/2014 | 4 Comments

I don't really think I have epilepsy because I had other symptoms too but I really need help!! I'm extremely scared because I think I've had a seizure...
nocturna and daytime seizures

08/2014 | 1 Comments

I have a dilemma I recently saw a neuro and I will did not want to tell everything him about my seizures because I am suppose to have PNES so I am...
Left Temporal Lobe Dysrhythmia

08/2014 | 1 Comments

I am struggling with my recent diagnosis and am looking for some feedback. For a very long time I have been on anti-depressants to help with...
EEG Strobe Lights and Facial Spasms

08/2014 | 1 Comments

I was wondering if anyone experienced facial spasms (eyes flickering, nose and face twitching) and tics during and after EEG Strobe light testing...
Should I push for more testing?

08/2014 | 3 Comments

Towards the beginging of the year (about 7 months ago) I stustained a notable head concussion. Almost immediately, alongside post concussion syndrome...
Should I push for testing?

08/2014 | 1 Comments

My dad has suffered from complex partial seizures for several years. Around 1991 an MRI revealed an unknown spot on his temperal lobe during an...
Possible Somatosensory Reflex Epilepsy?

08/2014 | 1 Comments

Greetings, I think I might have reflex epilepsy. I have a number of peculiar symptoms (neuro and non-neuro) that may or may not be related, but there...
2nd Opinion & 2nd Guessing

07/2014 | 1 Comments

On December 31, 2013 I was told that I have epilepsy. Since then I've been on Keppra, Vimpat and now Onfi. I stayed on the Keppra but completely lost...
New & Confused

07/2014 | 2 Comments

Hi I was hoping someone might be able to help shed some light onto my situation. I had my first seizure this past Saturday while at work. My head...

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