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just started keppra

Thu, 02/10/2005 - 20:40
Diagnosed this past year with complex partial seizures. Doc put me on Topomax and I felt like sleeping ALL of the time. He then tried me on lamictal and I had an allergic reaction. They put me on keppra.Any advice, please?? I'm on 500mg twice a day. I've been on it for 3 days. With the seizures and changing of medication, I feel a huge loss of control with my life. Any advice would be appreciated.Michele


RE: just started keppra

Submitted by amycleveland on Sun, 2005-01-23 - 21:52
I have known keppra to cause mood changes. Ask your Dr. how much B6 to take. It'll will help it will help with any side effects. It worked for my son at least in 3 days.Good Luck,Amy

RE: RE: just started keppra

Submitted by benosmom on Tue, 2005-02-08 - 06:50
Hi Amy,My son who is eight just got diagnosed last month. I am still anxious about it all. He takes Keppra too. How old is your son and when did he get diagnosed?Diane

RE: RE: RE: just started keppra

Submitted by linalu on Thu, 2005-02-24 - 14:44

Hi name is Carrie and my son who is almost 7 has been diagnosed for 3 years now.  He has been on Carbatrol for a long time and at a very high dose since this past summer.  He has been having side effects from this which we have finally determined to be too double vision, bad headaches and just feeling lousy, which makes learning in school quite difficult.  Although he has had seizure control since last July, we have now decided to switch meds.  Our neuro. has now recommended Keppra and I am nervous about starting it for several reasons.  Most everything I read says that it is an add on med.  Does your son take another med along with it?  Is this the first med you all have tried? 

     I will look forward to hearing from you.....if you are a worried mother like I am you are in need of lots of support!   thanks, Carrie


Hi name is Carrie and my son who is almost 7 has been diagnosed for 3 years now.  He has been on Carbatrol for a long time and at a very high dose since this past summer.  He has been having side effects from this which we have finally determined to be too double vision, bad headaches and just feeling lousy, which makes learning in school quite difficult.  Although he has had seizure control since last July, we have now decided to switch meds.  Our neuro. has now recommended Keppra and I am nervous about starting it for several reasons.  Most everything I read says that it is an add on med.  Does your son take another med along with it?  Is this the first med you all have tried? 

     I will look forward to hearing from you.....if you are a worried mother like I am you are in need of lots of support!   thanks, Carrie


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