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just started keppra

Thu, 02/10/2005 - 20:40
Diagnosed this past year with complex partial seizures. Doc put me on Topomax and I felt like sleeping ALL of the time. He then tried me on lamictal and I had an allergic reaction. They put me on keppra.Any advice, please?? I'm on 500mg twice a day. I've been on it for 3 days. With the seizures and changing of medication, I feel a huge loss of control with my life. Any advice would be appreciated.Michele


RE: RE: RE: RE: just started keppra

Submitted by amyh on Sat, 2005-02-26 - 08:12

Hi Carrie,

My daughter, age 12, has been on Keppra for about 5 weeks now for complex partial siezures and absence siezures.  First we were on Trileptal.  We had to switch because the Trileptal was causing her to sleep for 12+ hours at a time, falling asleep at 7:00 at night and sleeping straight through to 7:00 in the morning.  Needless to say school work was suffering! The Keppra has been great.  It makes her tired but it is managable.  She can go for about 3 days with short naps needed, about 30 to 45 minutes and then will need a longer nap, 2 to 3 hours.  But this is managable for us.  The only problem we have encountered is with homework.  Because of the sleeping she was having a harder time getting it all done.  We contacted her school and have a 504 plan in place now to address this problem.  She is allowed an extra day or so to complete homework if needed.  She is also given extra time for tests in class if needed.  Since this is the only side effect and we have been able to work around it we are sticking with the Keppra.   I also like it because it is monitored without blood work.  Always a plus with children! 

Amy H.

Hi Carrie,

My daughter, age 12, has been on Keppra for about 5 weeks now for complex partial siezures and absence siezures.  First we were on Trileptal.  We had to switch because the Trileptal was causing her to sleep for 12+ hours at a time, falling asleep at 7:00 at night and sleeping straight through to 7:00 in the morning.  Needless to say school work was suffering! The Keppra has been great.  It makes her tired but it is managable.  She can go for about 3 days with short naps needed, about 30 to 45 minutes and then will need a longer nap, 2 to 3 hours.  But this is managable for us.  The only problem we have encountered is with homework.  Because of the sleeping she was having a harder time getting it all done.  We contacted her school and have a 504 plan in place now to address this problem.  She is allowed an extra day or so to complete homework if needed.  She is also given extra time for tests in class if needed.  Since this is the only side effect and we have been able to work around it we are sticking with the Keppra.   I also like it because it is monitored without blood work.  Always a plus with children! 

Amy H.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: just started keppra

Submitted by cookieparty on Sun, 2005-02-27 - 06:46

Just my input regarding reactions to keppra....this is the first medication I was put on when I started having gran mal seizures in the middle of the night (I am a woman in my 40's). This medicine made me angry. I had thoughts that terrified wanting to hit people in my office, I wanted to push them out of windows, and I had urges to walk out in front of cars on the highway.

My daughter in law, (30 years old) who suffers from a totally different seizure issue...much more serious in my opinion, had keppra added to her regimen of meds and on the first dose, lost her ability to speak! She was terrified...I sat with her while she uttered gutteral sounds and wrote on a tablet for a 3 hour she had been treated at an emergency room with dilantin (which she is allergic to as well ..she gets a rash), so I don't know if it was a combined reaction, but keppra is not on either one of our lists of preferred choices for seizure control.


Just my input regarding reactions to keppra....this is the first medication I was put on when I started having gran mal seizures in the middle of the night (I am a woman in my 40's). This medicine made me angry. I had thoughts that terrified wanting to hit people in my office, I wanted to push them out of windows, and I had urges to walk out in front of cars on the highway.

My daughter in law, (30 years old) who suffers from a totally different seizure issue...much more serious in my opinion, had keppra added to her regimen of meds and on the first dose, lost her ability to speak! She was terrified...I sat with her while she uttered gutteral sounds and wrote on a tablet for a 3 hour she had been treated at an emergency room with dilantin (which she is allergic to as well ..she gets a rash), so I don't know if it was a combined reaction, but keppra is not on either one of our lists of preferred choices for seizure control.


: RE: just started keppra

Submitted by lorrifm on Sun, 2005-02-27 - 12:37

I experienced the "Keppra rage" during the first few months I was on it also. I spoke with my neuro about it since in addition to seizures I also have bipolar disorder. I definitely didn't need anything to cause me more mood control issues.  But, with him and psychiatrist, we actually increased <freaked me out when he suggested it!> the Keppra dose. For me, that's done the trick and it's the dose I've been on for more than 2 years.

Prior to the dose adjustment, I had the excessive irritability, edginess and angry thoughts.  But in my case staying with the Keppra has been great. I have had the best success with it also for seizure control. I've been on Lamictal, Carbatrol, Neurontin and Topamax, just to name a few.

Best of health to you,


I experienced the "Keppra rage" during the first few months I was on it also. I spoke with my neuro about it since in addition to seizures I also have bipolar disorder. I definitely didn't need anything to cause me more mood control issues.  But, with him and psychiatrist, we actually increased <freaked me out when he suggested it!> the Keppra dose. For me, that's done the trick and it's the dose I've been on for more than 2 years.

Prior to the dose adjustment, I had the excessive irritability, edginess and angry thoughts.  But in my case staying with the Keppra has been great. I have had the best success with it also for seizure control. I've been on Lamictal, Carbatrol, Neurontin and Topamax, just to name a few.

Best of health to you,


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