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just started keppra

Thu, 02/10/2005 - 20:40
Diagnosed this past year with complex partial seizures. Doc put me on Topomax and I felt like sleeping ALL of the time. He then tried me on lamictal and I had an allergic reaction. They put me on keppra.Any advice, please?? I'm on 500mg twice a day. I've been on it for 3 days. With the seizures and changing of medication, I feel a huge loss of control with my life. Any advice would be appreciated.Michele


RE: just started keppra

Submitted by szurefree on Mon, 2005-02-07 - 15:52


I understand what you mean about your life being out of control.  I have been on more medications than I care to remember.  I took lamictal.  Keppra is a great drug.  While it didn't give me the seizure control that surgery did, it along with Tompomax did a better job than any of the other meds.  I was on 4500mg a day.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.






I understand what you mean about your life being out of control.  I have been on more medications than I care to remember.  I took lamictal.  Keppra is a great drug.  While it didn't give me the seizure control that surgery did, it along with Tompomax did a better job than any of the other meds.  I was on 4500mg a day.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.





RE: just started keppra

Submitted by benosmom on Tue, 2005-02-08 - 06:48
Hi Michele,My son (8 years old) has been taking Keppra now for four weeks. So far it appears to have very little if any side effects. He's had some dizziness/fatigue but it seems to be wearing off now. No rashes etc. It is the newest anticonvul. on the block and presumably the best due to lack of side effects.I hope this helps you some.Diane

RE: just started keppra

Submitted by hedi on Tue, 2005-02-08 - 19:38

Dear Michele,

My name is Heather and I have had epilepsy for 18 yrs. And also complex partial.  I have some VERY important info for you.  this info. was never told to me by my doctors.  I found it out on my own and thru the epilepsy foundation.  First of all I am 36 yrs. old and taking Keppra.--- and 2000 pm.  My seizures are controlled EXCEPT before and during my period.  I will have one at that time.  And also if I go 2 days in a row without a nap.  the epilepsy foundation sent me info. about how your temperol lobe affects your hormones.  It also causes early menopause and irregular or NO ovulation.  Which explains to me, now, why it took me 6 yrs. to get pregnant.  ( thru in-vitro)  Now if I had known about this the 6 years i had been trying to get pregnant i would not have gone thru 6 artificial inseminations.  I would have gone straight to the in-vitro.   Good luck and I hope this info comes in handy for you.


Dear Michele,

My name is Heather and I have had epilepsy for 18 yrs. And also complex partial.  I have some VERY important info for you.  this info. was never told to me by my doctors.  I found it out on my own and thru the epilepsy foundation.  First of all I am 36 yrs. old and taking Keppra.--- and 2000 pm.  My seizures are controlled EXCEPT before and during my period.  I will have one at that time.  And also if I go 2 days in a row without a nap.  the epilepsy foundation sent me info. about how your temperol lobe affects your hormones.  It also causes early menopause and irregular or NO ovulation.  Which explains to me, now, why it took me 6 yrs. to get pregnant.  ( thru in-vitro)  Now if I had known about this the 6 years i had been trying to get pregnant i would not have gone thru 6 artificial inseminations.  I would have gone straight to the in-vitro.   Good luck and I hope this info comes in handy for you.


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