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just started keppra

Thu, 02/10/2005 - 20:40
Diagnosed this past year with complex partial seizures. Doc put me on Topomax and I felt like sleeping ALL of the time. He then tried me on lamictal and I had an allergic reaction. They put me on keppra.Any advice, please?? I'm on 500mg twice a day. I've been on it for 3 days. With the seizures and changing of medication, I feel a huge loss of control with my life. Any advice would be appreciated.Michele


RE: RE: RE: just started keppra

Submitted by tracul66 on Thu, 2005-02-10 - 16:14
Hi,,,I'm tracey,,& I really know what it's like being 'allergic' to most 'meds',,,,I've been on 'Primidone' for over 20-yrs now,,,& it stops me of having 'Grand-mal-seizures',,,but in reaction to taking it,,causes 'mild-seizures'(or what I call 'black-outs') because they only last for a couple minutes, sometimes I can 'fight-off' the warnings & sometimes I 'black-out'. It really is a 'Great' Medication,,Good Luck

RE: RE: RE: RE: just started keppra

Submitted by millsj on Fri, 2005-02-11 - 07:46
the doc just found out yesterday that i am allergic to keppra and he took me off of it immediatley but i am still havin trouble remembering stuff and i just daze out all the time i get really dizzy. i have my first cheerleading compeition on sunday and i can't even remember the routine. what do i do? to get my memory back? i didn't even recognize my boyfriend!

RE: just started keppra

Submitted by robpatti on Wed, 2005-02-02 - 09:07
My son has been on keppra for 3 years now he takes 500 mgs 3 in the morning and 3 at bed time he is doing really good on it. He is on topamax too He has to take 200 and 100 mgs of it. He has to take them in the morning and at bedtime. I think you will make out really good with this med. My son has been on so many meds for his surzures and this seems to help out more. Patti

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