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Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Fri, 07/21/2006 - 13:02
Hey all, Well, I have my surgery scheduled. I go in on the 21st of August for brain mapping and have the surgery on the 25th. I've read all the material out there about surgery AND brain mapping. What I'm wanting to know is...what was the brain mapping experience like for YOU? And also, I would love to hear YOUR surgery story! I would like to hear it ALL, the good, the bad and the everything. :) I want to hear about what you were going through while waiting on the surgery day to come and I also want to hear what you went through afterwards. (physically, emotionally, etc.) Yes, I'm nervous, scared, anxious, but ready to get this over with NOW! Looking forward to hearing from as many of you as possible. Love, Keri


Re: Re: Hi Keri, You know my story

Submitted by solis on Tue, 2006-07-25 - 01:33
Hi again, Keri, I had no brain mapping done as it wasn't deemed necessary; since, there was no question but my problem emanated from the left temporal lobe. In Canada, where the government pays for hospitalization & physicians fees, it is never done unless it is definitely required. In the USA, brain mapping seems far too common, so I'm inclined to believe that in some cases it isn't necessary but is a source of $$. ~sol

Re: Re: Re: Hi Keri, You know my story

Submitted by ladybug on Tue, 2006-07-25 - 08:32
Hi Sol, You may be right about it being a source of $$. For me, my wada test came back a little unsure as far as memory goes. Which I think had everything to do with the fact that they had to give me benadryl before the procedure started. I'm allergic to iodine given in the iv. I'm not looking forward to the brain mapping, BUT will be glad to know exactly where the sz's are coming from. That way, I know they aren't taking something out that shouldn't be. :) It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here. Hugs, Keri

Re: Re: Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Submitted by ladybug on Sun, 2006-07-23 - 09:57
I'm thankful that I won't have to wait so long. The secretary was "amazed and surprised" that we were able to schedule the surgery so soon. Grant and I just looked at each other and smiled. :) We knew that there was SOMEone handling ALL of that. ;) I had a doozy of a seizure last night though and scratched my eye. Have to stay home today, because I can't see. Everything is blurry in that eye. Sheesh, I'll be glad when the date gets closer for surgery. Talk to you soon. Keri:)

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