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Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Fri, 07/21/2006 - 13:02
Hey all, Well, I have my surgery scheduled. I go in on the 21st of August for brain mapping and have the surgery on the 25th. I've read all the material out there about surgery AND brain mapping. What I'm wanting to know is...what was the brain mapping experience like for YOU? And also, I would love to hear YOUR surgery story! I would like to hear it ALL, the good, the bad and the everything. :) I want to hear about what you were going through while waiting on the surgery day to come and I also want to hear what you went through afterwards. (physically, emotionally, etc.) Yes, I'm nervous, scared, anxious, but ready to get this over with NOW! Looking forward to hearing from as many of you as possible. Love, Keri


Re: Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Submitted by DawnMarieZ on Tue, 2006-07-25 - 22:06
Keri, I had surgery for seizures 16 years ago yesterday, (July 24, 1990). I don't regret having it done. There was a lot of success with it. I take meds now, but am seizure free. Prior to surgery I was having at least 1 a month. I have been seizure free since January 2000. I was seizure free from July 1990-August 1997. Off of meds from 1996-1997. I seized in 1997 due to a very stressful summer (detailed in my blog). The seizures from 1997-2000, were from not taking medicine. I go in on August 7, to find out what my doc thinks of my recent eeg. I am hoping to go back off my meds again. I wish u the best of luck Dawn

Re: Re: Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Submitted by ladybug on Tue, 2006-07-25 - 22:30
Dawn, I wish you luck on going off the meds. Have a questions? Were you really stressed before the surgery? And real sensitive? I'm trying not to let things get to me, but my husband opened his mouth tonight....had me in tears with the snap of his fingers. My doctor suggested prescribing an anti-depressant. I'm wondering if I need to take her up on that offer. Thanks for telling me your story. Keri

Re: Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Submitted by mjb on Wed, 2006-07-26 - 08:50
Dear Keri I just read your comment about having brain surgery next month. I want to tell you that my daughter had a left temporal lobectomy in 1994 and it was VERY successful. She has been almost completely seizure free for the last 10 years. She was able to stop taking anti-convulsants for about 8 years, but recently she had one big seizure so she is now taking a low dose of Keppra. Anyway, before the surgery she was having seizures every week, so it was a major change in our lives. Good Luck! You are one of the "lucky" ones because surgery is not always an option. margaret (mjb)

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