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Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Fri, 07/21/2006 - 13:02
Hey all, Well, I have my surgery scheduled. I go in on the 21st of August for brain mapping and have the surgery on the 25th. I've read all the material out there about surgery AND brain mapping. What I'm wanting to know is...what was the brain mapping experience like for YOU? And also, I would love to hear YOUR surgery story! I would like to hear it ALL, the good, the bad and the everything. :) I want to hear about what you were going through while waiting on the surgery day to come and I also want to hear what you went through afterwards. (physically, emotionally, etc.) Yes, I'm nervous, scared, anxious, but ready to get this over with NOW! Looking forward to hearing from as many of you as possible. Love, Keri


Re: Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Submitted by debbie1202 on Sat, 2006-08-05 - 15:09
Hi Keri, I am so excited for you, about your surgery. I had my surgery about 6 years ago, and my life is so much better now without the seizures! Yes, I did have a brain mapping at Emory Hospital, in Atlanta Georgia and that mapping just let's them know what part of your brain works for you. They asked me some of the stupidest kind of questions, like the date, the time, ask me questions on addition and to say the alphabet and they ask your name and family names. You feel so stupid during that test, but they have to make sure that they know which part of the brain to touch and which part not to touch. As far as the operation.... The operation was great, but since I was only there for about 5 days, in the hospital, the surgery just flew by. I am sure you have been in the hospital for seizure activity, and that is what it will feel like again. Make sure that the nurses don't let you lay flat at anytime! I know that they have a note to do that, but you have to always watch out for this. If there is anyone that will stay with you each night please make sure that they watch for that one. Everything just runs together, before the surgery, so just think how much better you will feel when the surgery is over. I had surgery about 6 years ago, and my new friends or people that I work with, have a ton of questions because they say that they had NO CLUE that I had epilepsy surgery. The surgery is something that everyone needs to stop their seizures. I am still on the medication-because I won't stop driving for a few months, but the medicine doesn't bother me at all. Good luck with the surgery, and if you have any questions then please just drop me an email. Good luck, Debbie1202

Re: Re: Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Submitted by ladybug on Sat, 2006-08-05 - 17:10
Hi Debbie, Thank you so much for all your information and encouragement. I need to ask, why do I need to make sure I'm not laying flat? Yes, I already have people lined up to come stay with me in the hospital and to take care of my kids at home. Did you have problems with upset stomach before your surgery? I'm on an anti-depressant, but my stomach is still really upset. I've lost like 12 lbs in the past 8 days. Not complaining, because I need to lose the weight. Just concerned. Thanks and take care, Keri

Re: Re: Re: Left Temporal Lobectomy and Brain Mapping

Submitted by debbie1202 on Sat, 2006-08-05 - 21:29
Hi Keri, Just a few answers to your questions. the reason you need to make sure that you lay flat, I found this out later from a doctor, is because where they operated or took out the problem the blood goes into that area and the brain does not know what to do with blood in that area instead of the tissue. I did not have any problems with the upset stomach, but I wasn't on an anti-depressant either, sorry about that answer. I think that is great that you have lost some weight, I wish I would have before my surgery. if you have any other questions then please just ask them. I really wish I could have asked questions before my surgery, I had so many questions and the doctors could not help me with them all. You take care before your surgery. Take care of yourself, Debbie

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