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pregnancy and keppra

Tue, 12/27/2005 - 13:01
Hello everyone I am 28 years old, female, with JME. My doctor has switched me from Depakote to Lamictal and now Keppra. I take Keppra 1000mg a day. Is there anyone, who is on Keppra, who is pregnant or who has had a baby. There is a ton of information of Lamictal and pregnancy but not much of Keppra and pregnancy. My husband and I want to start planning for a family, but we are VERY nervous. My ob/gyn put me on a prenatal vitamin and extra folic acid. I would appreciate any information from anyone. -aspepath


Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by Susan C on Sat, 2006-09-02 - 07:44
If you go to and click on prescription information on the left hand side of the page in small writing it gives you some info...though not very much. It is one of the newer drugs and many have high hopes for it. It is what my neuro is going to put me in in a couple of weeks to switch from Trileptal, which I have been very successful on. My neuro tried to switch to Lamictal, but I got a rash, so had to stop. Here is a URL that leads directly to the pdf file - adobe needed. I went to the bookshop and read some books on epilepsy/pregnancy and only 2 of them mentioned keppra. Both seemed very positive but cautioned it was fairly new and for ALL MEDS the decision is only determined the potential risks of taking it outweigh the potential risks of not taking it. The good news that I read is that 9 out of 10 epileptic women have a successful pregnancy. My gyno told me that he has birthed women taking keppra and had great results so far..not one malformation. Knock on wood! I am signing up for the pregnancy registration, so that my pregnancy (when it happens) can help to gather information for all women in the future. Here is info on is a global effort. Good luck and stay calm and postive! ~Susan

Re: Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by Grace M on Mon, 2006-09-04 - 19:41
Hi Susan - Are you on Kepra now and have you been on any other medications besides that? Im on the 2 meds Kepra and Lamictil which are working great for my seizure disorder but Im worried about being on the 2 meds during pregnancy.

Re: Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by emmylou on Wed, 2006-12-13 - 07:51
hi susan. i have recently found out i am pregnant and are taking both epiletic drugs mentioned. i swear by both combined. i am slightly apprehensive of the troubles i could face but only time will tell. i think your idea of gathering information for other women is brill i think i'll do it too. Keep smiling Laura :-)

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