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Question on dating with E.

Fri, 09/29/2006 - 04:56
My cousins down here have been texting me on my cell phone telling me that I have passed another birthday and I should get a boyfriend now and get married. But, here's my do you trust a man to date when you have epilepsy? It's not so simple for me to just find a man down here in the Philippines and start dating. Maybe in romance novels it could work, but there's just so many issues for me to overcome. Besides that's a big responsibility on a man to take when he hears about E. I don't want to see the reaction like I have before when I told men I've dated in the past that I have E. They did a complete turn around in behavior. They started to treat me like I'm fragile. I don't want that. I'd like to have some kind of normalcy.


Hi guys, there are some great

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2014-05-08 - 21:35
Hi guys, there are some great online support chat rooms and groups your could consider. It helps to connect with people who share your problems. Here's one I'd like to share:

Re: Question on dating with E.

Submitted by angel_lts on Fri, 2006-09-29 - 06:26
You should get out there and date. Dont let Epilepsy take over your life. FOr that's basicly what you are doing!! You have to live your life with Epilepsy and work around it. Still tell the men that you have it, that is important. I am going to say that they may treat you different. But tell them, that you are fine.... You are missing out on life. IF I didnt go date I would not have my husband and my four children. And waiting and waiting, you could wait a long time to really have a family! In my family the only time they really treat me fragile, is when I tell them a seizure may happen or I am not feeling right. Otherwise they treat me like they always do. take care Lisa

Re: Question on dating with E.

Submitted by fzMousie on Fri, 2006-09-29 - 07:43
I have an idea.... don't tell him you have epilepsy, tell him you have a "seizure disorder". ;) Most people hear "epilepsy" and they have a big bad scary thought. Whereas, they don't always have the same reaction to the word "seizure disorder". It is a sort of mentally conditioned response, I think. Just date, have fun. Then, two or three dates into your relationship mention casually that "Oh, by the way, since we are going out often, I should let you know something just for safety reason. I have a seizure disorder. If anything happens to me, I keep my information in such-and-such a pocket in my purse." A lot is in the presentation. If you sit down with him and tell him in a Very Serious Manner, he will think it is a Very Serious Thing and will treat you accordingly. ;)

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