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Question on dating with E.

Fri, 09/29/2006 - 04:56
My cousins down here have been texting me on my cell phone telling me that I have passed another birthday and I should get a boyfriend now and get married. But, here's my do you trust a man to date when you have epilepsy? It's not so simple for me to just find a man down here in the Philippines and start dating. Maybe in romance novels it could work, but there's just so many issues for me to overcome. Besides that's a big responsibility on a man to take when he hears about E. I don't want to see the reaction like I have before when I told men I've dated in the past that I have E. They did a complete turn around in behavior. They started to treat me like I'm fragile. I don't want that. I'd like to have some kind of normalcy.


Re: Re: Question on dating with E.

Submitted by seizuregirl on Mon, 2006-10-02 - 04:47
Hey GodivaGirl....I agree with you. It's all in how you present the topic of E. sort to speak. You're very lucky to have such a caring boyfriend 'coz not many are so blessed. I had this one ex-boyfriend in college whom I told about my seizures and he was concerned, but turned out to be a creep anyway 'coz he cheated on me. Aye.... sometimes I wonder if it's just better to just focus on my career and my life....and forget the men. What do you think? Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

Re: Re: Re: Question on dating with E.

Submitted by GodivaGirl on Mon, 2006-10-02 - 06:10
Truthfully Seizuregirl. I'm not sure how old you are now, but I was 27 when I met the guy I'm with now. Neither one of us were looking for a relationship at all. Really, I was at a point where I knew I could take care of myself. I had my own place, could travel could do what I wanted. The way I looked at a relationship actually wasn't as something necessary, but as something nice to have, if some day I met the right person. Ended up meeting the guy I'm with in a 'fluke' "You've got mail" sorta way. Originally, we tripped across each other in a yahoo chat room. I left, he sent me a message - so he told me later because the nickname (not this one) intregued him. 5 years later, here we are living together. It was one of our first phone calls after a couple nights on-line though that I told him, and at that point we hadn't met (that was a few weeks later) Who knows? Maybe it was easier to tell him before we even ever met. I think it was easier though because I'd been through some abusive relationships in university that had nothing to do with me being epileptic, so it was kind of like I told him as a way to say, well this is what you get from me, take it or leave it...and for once, with him it didn't matter. Just focus on life and living it to the fullest. Be happy with yourself and know you can be happy alone or with someone. Guys can be more trouble than they are worth as just look at relationships as an added bonus that comes along, and you may end up with a great friend out of the deal. After all relationships take awhile to get serious. I do know honesty and communication are definately 2 key things that have helped get us through 5 years, and now I don't think either one of us could imagine life apart.

Hi GodivaGirl...well, I'm 30

Submitted by seizuregirl on Tue, 2006-10-03 - 09:00
Hi GodivaGirl...well, I'm 30 something now and don't know if I ever want to get married...or have a guy in my life. You know that saying "be careful what you wish for 'coz it might come true"..well you know, I believe in that. I don't want to wish anymore 'coz I might come out with a guy who is disappointing, but you, on the other hand, is very lucky to find such a guy to make you happy. That's great! Congratulations! :-) Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

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