Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Waiting to be diagnosed..

06/2005 | 2 Comments

Hello, my name is Alexis, and I'm 23 years of age. I found this site because a few weeks ago I started having petit mals. I am waiting to be diagnosed...
doing another video EEG in June

05/2005 | 4 Comments

i contacted the Minnesota Epilepsy Group and discussed all my of my symptoms and all, and my "history" and all that kind of stuff and they want me to...
Havnt been diagnosed yet

05/2005 | 2 Comments

Im 30 and had my first seizure April 1 happened at around 4 am and my husband said it lasted about 15 minutes. I sat in the hospital for almost...
Diagnosed yesterday...

05/2005 | 9 Comments

Good Morning, I have been having deja vu sensations about twice a year since 2003. In 2003 I had a MRI which was clear and decided not to see a...
Any one else have this problem?

05/2005 | 2 Comments

First of all, let me say I am so glad to find you all. It's nice to know you're not alone. Since I am the only one in my family with epilepsy, I was...

05/2005 | 36 Comments

Hi Everyone, I know this is a touchy subject but I need more info on it if anyone has experience of this. The docs have told me they think my...
seizures and low heart rate

05/2005 | 10 Comments

Hi, I was at the doctors in Feb. for an EEG , and as usual they had me hooked up to a heart monitor. They had the monitor set for 60 beats. I am a 23...
MRI abnormalities?

05/2005 | 13 Comments

What exactly would a layman look for in a MRI report, to be conducive to epilepsy? I got my report, and my gaaawd...the language should be rated! Any...
questions about testing...?

05/2005 | 1 Comments

all of you people have had all these different tests...all my doc has ordered was a couple of EEG's and a few blood tests to check my electrolytes...

04/2005 | 2 Comments

Can a EEG and MRI show if you have seizures,I was told they may come back normal,is this so

04/2005 | 13 Comments

hi i was diagnosed with epilepsy 9months ago. i recently went for an VEEG however even though i had three seizures none of them registered on the EEG...
Late onset stuttering

04/2005 | 10 Comments

Hi, I am a Speech Pathologist in Australia. I have recently assessed a 9yr old boy who has started stuttering in the past 6-9months. Should I be...

04/2005 | 1 Comments

hi i was diagnosed with epilepsy 9 months ago and despite having a VEEG where i had 3 seizures they were all inconclusive (there was no change in...
Question about DD absence epilepsy..

04/2005 | 6 Comments

I have posted a few times in regards to my 4 yr old sons tonic clonic seizures as of late (we are still waiting for our neuro appt on the 28th but on...
Deja vu

04/2005 | 130 Comments

Hi, my name is Lisa and this is my first time posting. I am 39 years and a mother of two daughters. About 18 months ago, I had two experiences of deja...
never been diagnosed

04/2005 | 2 Comments

I went to the doctor today for some unrelated tests due to my asthma being really bad. I reported about last night where I stood up to get something...
pseudo seizures / non-epiletic seizures

03/2005 | 9 Comments

I need as much information on dealing w/ pseudo seizures as well as "regular" seizures. The meds for "regular" seizures is not controlling them...

03/2005 | 6 Comments

Hello! My daughter (12 years old), has been fainting for about 5 months. She has had a bad non-stop headache for months now. It doesn't ever seem to...

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