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lamictal for complex partial seizures

Thu, 05/12/2005 - 14:26
Dr. just suggested me to switch from trileptal to lamictal after 2 months of trial on trileptal, which seems doesn't work for me. Does anyone have well control of complex partial seizures using lamictal? Thanks.


RE: RE: RE: lamictal for complex partial seizures

Submitted by stonerock on Mon, 2005-05-16 - 17:43
Thanks for all your info. I just started to try minimal lamictal (50mg*1/day) in less than 1 week, in the mean time, still take trileptal at regular dose. Dr said I'll gradually decrease trileptal after 1 month trial of lamictal.

Re: RE: RE: RE: lamictal for complex partial seizures

Submitted by Luisa on Sat, 2007-02-03 - 21:58
Stonerock, how was the switch from Trileptal to Lamictal? My doctor suggested that I also switch because I think that trileptal may be a factor in my premature menapause. However, I am a little hesitant since the side affects for Lamictal sound worse than trileptal. Although, I think that Trileptal makes me mildly depressed,tired and forgetful.

Re: Re: RE: RE: RE: lamictal for complex partial seizures

Submitted by Meskerkid on Sun, 2007-03-04 - 19:40
Hi Luisa, I'm just looking around the site because I might have to switch or add meds. I have complex partials. After a couple of years of good luck on Lamictal I've started to have the complex partials almost once a month again. Thought it was hormonal so I started taking prometrium, lose dose progesterone (inhibits seizure activity) to counteract estrogen (stimulates or excites seizure activity) I'll be 47 (next week!)so I've thought it had to do with hormones going up and down. Now I don't know. Used to have seizures around the third wk. of my cycle, now there's no telling. I'm on 800 mg./day: top dose, may have to add a med. I refuse to take keppra, too many horrible things I've heard. Topamax scares me too. No appetite, anxious? I'm already anxious on my own. Have started to take 1/8 mg. klonopin at night or during day if I can feel I'm walking on thin ice, and that seems to help. Anyone have any similar experience or experience with lamictal and another drug? This is so scary. I'm glad to have this site though, can't imagine having these problems without people who REALLY understand. Thanks all Nancy B. (Meskerkid is my member name.)

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