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Topic: Medication Issues

Topamax weight GAIN????

04/2006 | 3 Comments

Hey! I have been on topamax since about sept or oct. of 2005. I was on 100 mg a day and lost 13 pounds. For me that was a good bit. Being 5'2 and when...
Trouble coming off meds

04/2006 | 0 Comments

Over the past year I have tried to come off Zonegran two different times with horrid results. Extreme anxiety, panick attacks, fear of death, etc. The...
Vivid dreams

04/2006 | 7 Comments

Since changing to Keppra combined with epilim and Clobazam I have been having the most tripped out vivid dreams. You know you're in a dream, you tell...
Books on epilepsy

04/2006 | 2 Comments

Does anyone know of any books to read regarding children and epilepsy. And any books for children to read about epilepsy. My son is 10 years old...

04/2006 | 1 Comments

I am having a great deal of trouble with depression since adding Klonopin to Keppra. I don't want to add another drug on top of these two. Has anyone...
hair loss

03/2006 | 0 Comments

I took Zonegran and Adderall both at different times and approx. 2 weeks after starting, my hair starting falling out. It took 9 months for it to stop...
Lamictal side effects

03/2006 | 5 Comments

I am 22 years old and, have been on Lamictal for about seven months. I just had my first grand mal seizure in July of 2005, and they started me on...
Lamictal and birth control pills

03/2006 | 1 Comments

I was wondering if anyone on Lamictal was also taking birth control pills. My neurologist said that there is no interaction, however I read 2 studies...
depakote er and destructive behavior

03/2006 | 1 Comments

hi ~ my daughter is 10. Had her first seizure at age 7, has had a lesionectomy, recently went six mos.(longest time ever) without a seizure and now...
Phenytoin and blood sugar levels

03/2006 | 1 Comments

Somebody respond to me please!!! I was diagnosed in july ,05. And am still totally confused. I do not know what type of seizures i am having or why. I...
Combining Medication

03/2006 | 0 Comments

Has anyone ever been perscribed both Dilantin and Topamax at the same time? I have been for the next 4-6 weeks and I am NOT having an easy time of it...
night seizurs

03/2006 | 3 Comments

because my seizures are when i sleep would it make sense to only take medication at night as i do not see the point of takinw athem during the dayi...
Medication too High?

03/2006 | 1 Comments

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has had their medication adjusted after losing weight. I suspect that the concentrations of my medication may be...
Keppra and rage

03/2006 | 6 Comments

Hello, I have been taking Keppra for a couple of weeks now and i've been experiencing moments of intense anger(rage).Does anyone know if this side...

03/2006 | 1 Comments

What can a person do to get rid of dizziness/vertigo? I have taken Antivert/meclizine but it puts me to sleep. I have a month before I see the doc.
Dilantin and Sleep Meds Help

03/2006 | 0 Comments

Since my increase in Dilantin (I alternate between 300 and 330mg each day) in November, I have been feeling for lack of a better word "loopy." My head...
When to take meds

03/2006 | 1 Comments

I was just wondering if there was any of you who have decided to take your meds three times a day. I take Lamictal and topamax. My topamax is being...

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