Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Medication Issues

Hair loss

02/2006 | 4 Comments

My almost 4 year old was diagnosed and has been on Depakean for about 2 months now. We noticed his hair was not as thick as it normally is. About 2...
Keppra VS Topamax

02/2006 | 3 Comments

Does anyone know if there is that much difference in taking Keppra or taking Topamax? My husband was diagnosed with a "scar" and the doctors put him...
felbamate as a new med???

02/2006 | 0 Comments

my daughter has tried several different meds and is currently on the ketogenic diet,which sometimes we think it's not working and we were starting to...

02/2006 | 3 Comments

Good evening iwant to consult neurologist about my son he have epeleptic fits uncontrolled he is take two medicine (tegretool CR 200MG b.i.d and...
Grandaughter (18 mos old) on Keppra

02/2006 | 0 Comments

My precious little Hailey was diagnosed with epilepsy about 3 mos ago. About a month ago, after three seizures (gran mal)in one day and a 3-day...
7 months old starting on Phenobarbital

02/2006 | 2 Comments

My daughter is 7 months old and we are starting her on Phenobarbital and I am scared. I dont want her sudated , I am afraid it will cause learning...
Migraines & seizures

02/2006 | 4 Comments

My 16-year-old daughter gets serious migraines following seizures of any type. So far the only way of stopping the migraines have been trips to the ER...
Is anyone on Epilim

02/2006 | 15 Comments

Hi my name is Cara and i am 17 years of age almost 18. I was wondering if anyone is taking the medication Epilim???
Keppra 500mg

01/2006 | 61 Comments

Hello; I would like to know if there are any online users that have used or know the drug Keppra for epilepsy. If so, have you heard of or wittinessed...

01/2006 | 7 Comments

I am readding all your notes about your kids being on Lamactal. I will be 40 in a couple of years and I am on lamactal and keppra I was just taken off...
when to take Lamictal

01/2006 | 2 Comments

Hi I really hope you can help I am taking Lamital and topmax. I take topmax both morning and evening but I take my Lamictal just in the morning. I...

01/2006 | 4 Comments

does anyone take lamactal and kepra Does anyone take it more than three times a dy morning afternoon and night
Shorter Seizures a Good Sign?

01/2006 | 1 Comments

My 15 year old son starting having seizures about 6 weeks ago. His first seizure lasted about 2 - 3 minutes. I was not present during his second...
Getting off phenobarbital

01/2006 | 4 Comments

I'm constantly jabbering about this, I know, but I haven't been getting many answers. Sorry!! I'm just curious: who else had had trouble getting off...

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