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Topic: Medication Issues


11/2004 | 6 Comments

I am a new participant. My 9yo daughter has a history of partial complex seizures. After multiple meds and side effects over the years her seziures...
return of seizures

11/2004 | 4 Comments

I an a 48 y/o female that was diagnosed with JME at age 10. I've been off meds/seizure free for over 25 yrs. My med back then was phenobarbital. Last...

10/2004 | 19 Comments

At 46 i now have ostioperosis to keep my epilepsy company. Does enyone know of a link with anti epilepsy drugs, or am i just plain unlucky.
New to board/Depakote/JME

10/2004 | 2 Comments

I an a 48 y/o female that was diagnosed with JME at age 10. I've been off meds/seizure free for over 25 yrs. My med back then was phenobarbital. Last...
Saying good bye to Depakote for JME

10/2004 | 14 Comments

My husband is 27 and has had JME since he was thirteen. He has been on depakote with excellent control (he only seizes when he forgets his meds, and...

10/2004 | 12 Comments

Dear, You are not unlucky. I heard what you said and I would be happy to tell you that my friend suffered from that too, but just last two weeks a...
Saying good bye to Depakote for JME

10/2004 | 0 Comments

My husband is 27 and has had JME since he was thirteen. He has been on depakote with excellent control (he only seizes when he forgets his meds, and...
Short Term Memory Loss

09/2004 | 26 Comments

I would like to know if there are others who experience short term memory loss. I have been on miscellaneous meds for the past 12 years but currently...
Dilantin vs. Carbatrol/Tegretol

09/2004 | 11 Comments

My brother was recently diagnoised with Epilepsy and they put him on Dilantin and he is really sick from it and the Dr.'s want to UP his dosage!I keep...
Keppra and it's affects

09/2004 | 6 Comments

Hi everybody It's been awhile. I haven't been writting because I was having so many problems while taking Topamax. Now I have a few questions. I saw...
Grand-mal seizure

08/2004 | 8 Comments

My brother, 53, is on DepakoteER, 1000mg in am and 1000mg in pm. After missing one pm dose he had a grand-mal about 11am next morning. His neurologist...
facial ticks.

08/2004 | 4 Comments

I am currently taking Dilantin. I don't know if this is related, but now my one eye is starting to "flicker" (may not be the right word) The bottom...
Depekene/Valproic Acid/Depakote

08/2004 | 8 Comments

HiI'm wondering if anyone knows of any Long term effects of depkene (or the above mentioned)?I've been on depekene for close to 23 years (ever since i...
is there a medicine that is going to work

07/2004 | 2 Comments

i have been taking tegretol for about 3 months but it has no affect on the sezures i have i have also tried topomax and dilantin and lactimal and none...
Depression/Anxiety med suggestions

07/2004 | 8 Comments

Hello all. I am currently taking 600mg/day of Carbatrol. I am battling depression and anxiety to the point where I cannot work, can barely leave my...
Tegretol Brand Vs. Generic

06/2004 | 3 Comments

When I originally started taking Tegretol, my (now retired) doctor told me it was important to take the brand and not the generic...that they were not...

06/2004 | 7 Comments

I am taking 1,000 mg Depakote ER and 400 - 500 mg Dilantin daily. The last seizure was 4/20/04 (which was when they increased my Depakote ER from 500...

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