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Topic: Medication Issues

Partial Seizures...Lexapro?

01/2005 | 7 Comments

Does anyone know about lexapro and seizures? My brother had a brain tumor (benign, PTL!) and recently started having partial seizures non-stop. He...
My 13-mo. old son w/ infantile spasms

01/2005 | 12 Comments

Hi All, I am a new user to this website. My son was diagnosed with infantile spasms at 10 mos. old. He is currently 13 1/2 mos. I was very shocked...
cost of medication

01/2005 | 10 Comments

Is there a cheaper way to get medicine? I am shocked at the price I paid for tegretol in California. My daughter was visiting the States last year...
Many question regarding infantile spasms

01/2005 | 0 Comments

My daughter was diagnosed with infantile spasms at 7 weeks old. We started her on ACTH right away. That successfully obliterated the hysppsarythmia...
drug dosages

01/2005 | 19 Comments

When problems start with AED's , break through seizures or increased seizure activity, normally the AED amounts are increased. Is it possible that the...

01/2005 | 49 Comments

I know that there is plenty of information on the net concerning this med, but I would like to hear from some real people who have taken it, or more...
Warning of Two AEDs (Valpro or Epilim)

01/2005 | 0 Comments web site should be read by those who are taking Valpro or Epilim. Also Vioxx or Celebrex, NSAIs, or...
Vigabatrin vs. ACTH???

01/2005 | 7 Comments

My 15 month-old son has had infantile spasms since about 6 months. He developed normally until that point. Now he is delayed in his speech and...
New Meds (Carbatrol)

01/2005 | 14 Comments

Does anyone take Carbatrol? That's what i was switched to from Tegretol (carbamezepine). I just started it today, and so far i feel fine. Any info you...
acne from meds any suggestions?

01/2005 | 24 Comments

Hi again, My son is on Trileptal and was was raised to 600 mg twice a day and his face is breaking out a lot with acne. It use to be very clear. Does...
Going off of Phenobarbital...

01/2005 | 1 Comments

Advice regarding coming off of Phenobarbital... Hi! I've been taking Pheno. for 26 years. I have been taking it w/ either tegretol (I took it for 10+...
Need a better brand of Phenobarbital

01/2005 | 3 Comments

Eli Lilly made Pheno., sold the rights to Ranbraxy. Now Ranbraxy decided to not produce it. Now I'm looking for a good replacement brand that is just...

01/2005 | 30 Comments

does anyone know about the med zonegran? they started my son who is 3 on this. has anyone had any good/bad side effects
Reactions to Lamictal

12/2004 | 5 Comments

My 4 year old son was put on Lamictal to control his seizures and the Doctor warned me of a rash being a side effect. He has been on this med for...
Keppra, Lamictal and pain med's

12/2004 | 1 Comments

Hello its tj, I'm not sure if my message i posted worked so sorry if im being a broken record, but can anyone tell me if taking vicodin for a broken...

12/2004 | 32 Comments

Since having seizures (complex partial), I have experienced facial numbness - like novicaine - and it is very irritating - it comes and goes - is this...

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