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Topic: Women With Epilepsy

Seizure during menses for teen

04/2007 | 3 Comments

14 year old daughter recently diagnosed with epilepsy last month with tonic/clonic seizures(first two had only rt hand shaking with loss of...
best medicine if trying to get pregnant

04/2007 | 2 Comments

im currantly changing my meds getting off dilantin and switching to keppra im now taking 1000keppra ,60mg dilantin (every other day),and 250mg of...
Side Effect of Zonegran?

04/2007 | 5 Comments

Have any of the women out there experienced frequent yeast infections since starting Zonegran? Any info would be great! Thanks!
Repeat of Video EEG Monitoring/diagnosis

04/2007 | 3 Comments

I was diagnosed 6 years ago using Video EEG Monitoring/diagnosis. I was found to have simple partial seizures of the right temporal lobe. I have a new...
Does anyone else have these symptoms?

04/2007 | 5 Comments

Ugh! I don't feel like my seizures fit an exact protocol?! I am also not sure what to attribute directly to partial seizures and if there are other...
nausea vomiting at ovulation/menstruation

04/2007 | 2 Comments

Always follows the same pattern. On day 14, ovualation day, I feel nauseous all day, then close to evening I suddenly feel ice-cold like I cannot get...
Pregnant & On More Than 1 Medication

04/2007 | 3 Comments

Hello, Before I was pregnant for the second time I was on 900mg Triletal and 12mg of Gabitril twice a day. Currently I am 5 months pregnant and have...
Epilepsy group

04/2007 | 0 Comments I have started a new group in come check it out. its a cool place to hang out and there are so many...
Canadian Living article

04/2007 | 1 Comments

An article about women with epilepsy appears in a recent Canadian Living :
histo and seizures

04/2007 | 2 Comments

has anyone eles had a historectomy???????? i have had E for 17 or so years i went seizure free for about 10 of them. then about 5 years ago i had a...
Zonegran & menstrual cycle

04/2007 | 3 Comments

Hi I've only been on Zonegran for about a month or so and my Dr is slowly raising my dosage because I'm still having seizures and this month my period...

04/2007 | 14 Comments

I have been taking seizure medication for 6 years, along with Anti-depressants for 9. Recently my boyfriend asked me what sex was like for me. He...
Question about simple partial seizures

04/2007 | 1 Comments

I have had seizures since I was an infant. i had absence sz until I was about 18 months old. I look back andd see that I have been having simple...
the big O

04/2007 | 6 Comments

OK, I'm just going to come right out with it... Do any of you ladies think that your meds affect the quality of orgasms, or even your ability to have...
New to this

04/2007 | 2 Comments

i think i had my first absence seizures when i was about 12.. though from what i've been reading it might have been a partial-complex seizures. They...
Diamox & Pregnancy

04/2007 | 1 Comments

I do not have epilepsy, however, I do have Glauoma and take Diamox. I recently found out I was pregnant (5weeks) and the doctors are telling em I...
Menopaulsal Reactions??

03/2007 | 3 Comments

Ladies - advice please........I am nearly 2 yrs menopausal now and approx' 10 days ago, I experienced "jitters" within myself like NEVER before and...
Epilepsy Since I Was 5

03/2007 | 2 Comments

Hello, i hope all is well with everyone. I've had epilepsy since i was about 5 years old. I would daydream and stare off for what seemed like minutes...

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