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Topic: Women With Epilepsy

Newly pregnant and taking Lamictal

11/2006 | 36 Comments

Hey There, I'm new to this HELLO....Hope everyone is doing well! I just recently..actually 2 days ago found out i was pregnant..Yay! I'm...
New here!!!

11/2006 | 3 Comments

Hey. I am new to this site, and to Epilepsy. I am 29... My first sz was back in June 06'. I had my daughter in May and when she was about 3 wks old I...
Help for seizures around your period

11/2006 | 2 Comments

For months I was getting the same seizure before my period. I get complex partials. It was terrible. I couldn't avoid them. I did so much research on...
looking for someone to listen

11/2006 | 9 Comments

I have never talked to anyone other than my family about my epilepsy. I have really never admitted that I have epilepsy---I usually just say I am...
Pregnancy and Zonegran

11/2006 | 1 Comments

I have been on Zonegran for nearly 3 years. I had my first (and only) grand mal after the birth of my first child. My doctor advised me that if I want...
Pregnancy with taking meds

11/2006 | 7 Comments

Has anyone been off their meds during the pregnancy and risk a seizure? If so what were the effects on the fetus? Is it worth the risks of the effects...
Pregnant and On Dilatin please read all

11/2006 | 2 Comments

Ok well i dont know if you all remember me but this is kinda my story, when i became prego with my now 2 1/2 year old daughter i started having...

10/2006 | 13 Comments

I was wondering if there is anyone that has Epilepsy that is or has suffered from infertility? I am 26 yrs. old and have been seizure free for close...
Secret Womans Business

10/2006 | 4 Comments

Hi Girls, I suspect I have had TLE for about 7 years, since I was 17 / 18. In most cases, my friends have fallen pregnant at some stage (even while on...
Pregnancy and Carbatrol

10/2006 | 3 Comments

I have had grand mal seizures since I was 13. I am now 21, and I am getting married in March. I went 3 and a half years seizure free, until Wednesday...
Question for those w/ catamenial epilepsy

10/2006 | 6 Comments

Does your seizure activity increase the week before... only a few days...or like just the day of your menses? also, do you have increased activity at...
Great Topamax Success!!!

10/2006 | 0 Comments

My beautiful wife was not having much luck with Lamictal controlling her seizures so the doc switched her to Topamax. She almost immediately started...
Periods and Lyrica

10/2006 | 3 Comments

I just started taking the drug Lyrica in April. Since then I have not had a period. Is this normal when on this pill? I take Birth Control, Tegretol...

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