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Topic: Women With Epilepsy

Ativan during menstrual cycle

07/2007 | 1 Comments

Hi, I have been having seizures sometimes before, during and/or end of my period. I had suggested to my Dr. that maybe I should take an ativan a few...
meds, hormones and hair loss

07/2007 | 11 Comments

Hi everyone, I'm new to this site but I'm trying to get some insight. I've been on Dilantin on and off for 10 years with no problems. A year ago, my...
newly preg. 39 on pheno- please help

07/2007 | 5 Comments

My God, I would really appreciate anyone who can relate their stories to me. I am 6wks pg. Please forgive me for what I am going to write. I did not...
VNS and Pregnancy

07/2007 | 2 Comments

Has anyone been thru pregnancy with their VNS? I am trying to get pregnant and I am on the Highest amount of hormones allowed, the hormones I think...
39 Pregnant and on Lamictal

07/2007 | 2 Comments

I am a new member to this website and my first posting. This actually is my 2nd pregnancy (1st was a miscarriage). I am 4 months and I am scared to...
Periods and Medications

07/2007 | 7 Comments

Can E meds affect your periods? Normally my periods are pretty much like clockwork. They are also accompanied by extreme cramping. I also always know...
Which meds cause weight loss?

06/2007 | 8 Comments

Beyond the obvious - Topomax - are there any others? DH wants me to switch, he calls topomax "stupamax" because I'm always forgetting things... but I...
6 Weeks til delivery

06/2007 | 0 Comments

Hello, I am brand new to this site and glad that I found it. I will be having my little boy in 6 weeks and scared to death about breastfeeding...until...
Weight Gain

06/2007 | 3 Comments

I was on Lamictal, and before that Dilantin, but I believe my neorologist is going to move me to another drug since I recently had a breakthrough...
unsupportive spouses

06/2007 | 7 Comments

my husband expects me to be the very same and even better than I was at the beginning of our relationship (pre-epilepsy) (pre-brain surgery)
Update on doctor's visit

06/2007 | 2 Comments

Hi everybody...ok I finally got myself a doctor that I actually like. My old neurologist was such a pain in the neck. He never really listens to me...

06/2007 | 3 Comments

Has anyone else notice when their sugar level isn't right that they have seizures? I am trying to learn what all triggers mine. I am just wondering if...
Increase in Seizures after giving birth

06/2007 | 7 Comments

Hi. I'm writing on behalf of my wife who has seen a dramatic rise in the frequency of her seizures since giving birth. We switched her medication from...
Keppra and Pregnancy

06/2007 | 21 Comments

Greetings All! I was diagnosed with my seizure disorder in 1998 and remained seizure free for 9 years on Tegretol. Last August, my husband and I...
Weight the never Ending Battle

06/2007 | 2 Comments

Just when I thought I was losing weight I went to my Family Doctor and I gained 10pnds back. Last year was good I was going pretty good at the battle...

06/2007 | 2 Comments

Hi I've found out I'm pregnant with twins (9weeks).This on its own is a high risk case, not to mention the epilepsy also. Has anyone else with...

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